We make no claims about the accuracy of this map, as it is a work in progress and we have several sources of map data that don’t always match. Please always let someone know where you’re going, and follow safety advice.

Shared trail (hike, bike, horses)
Bike trail (bike, hike)
Hiking only (no bikes or horses)
Deer trail (may be hard to follow)
Roadside trail or shoulder
Trail on private land (no access)
Dirt road
Gravel Road

Heritage Trail


Municipal park

Provincial park

Crown land

Nature reserve

Private land

Note: when using search box always include ‘bowen island bc’ or you’ll search the whole world. Results vary in usefulness.

Sandy Beach is on the north side of Snug Point, on the southern edge of Mannion Bay (locally known as Deep Bay). From the beach you can see Howe Sound and a beautiful view of the Coast Mountains, a towering chain across the water on the mainland. You can also see the Causeway, a low bridge and trail that cross the entrance to the Lagoon. The Lagoon is an estuary that joins Deep Bay with Terminal Creek.

To get on the trail network, just head West to the entrance of Crippen Park, or head into Snug Cove and the many trails that fan out from there.

See a slide presentation about the history of Sandy Beach and Mannion Bay.

Check out videos and other info about nature in the Mannion Bay estuary.