We make no claims about the accuracy of this map, as it is a work in progress and we have several sources of map data that don’t always match. Please always let someone know where you’re going, and follow safety advice.

Shared trail (hike, bike, horses)
Bike trail (bike, hike)
Hiking only (no bikes or horses)
Deer trail (may be hard to follow)
Roadside trail or shoulder
Trail on private land (no access)
Dirt road
Gravel Road

Heritage Trail


Municipal park

Provincial park

Crown land

Nature reserve

Private land

Note: when using search box always include ‘bowen island bc’ or you’ll search the whole world. Results vary in usefulness.

Time & Elevation: One hour, 100 ft.
Difficulty: Easy
Access: No bus access at present; parking at the golf club
Main Attraction: Varied views, access to beach and Seymour Bay


From the parking lot, proceed up the hill and turn left on to the trail. At writing time, the first part of the trail is fairly sketchy but easy to follow as it skirts the golf course. Cross the road (B) and the trail continues to the right above the course. It is possible to park at (B) and so avoid the first part of this trail. As you walk, you can watch the golfers and see the golf course reservoir and the occasional sea view. At the far end of the course, the trail goes into another wooded area where the trail is named Maggie’s Walk with a bench dedicated to Maggie Cumming, a Bowen Islander who loved our trails and whose legacy fund is dedicated to the maintenance of the trails. Pass the old trestle bridge alongside the creek and emerge from the woods on to Arbutus Lane where you turn left back to the clubhouse.


Turn right at (A) and access a little beach at Alder Cove. Turn right at (C) and access Seymour Bay facing Vancouver. New trails will be opened near the golf course as the Cowan Point development proceeds.