We make no claims about the accuracy of this map, as it is a work in progress and we have several sources of map data that don’t always match. Please always let someone know where you’re going, and follow safety advice.

Shared trail (hike, bike, horses)
Bike trail (bike, hike)
Hiking only (no bikes or horses)
Deer trail (may be hard to follow)
Roadside trail or shoulder
Trail on private land (no access)
Dirt road
Gravel Road

Heritage Trail


Municipal park

Provincial park

Crown land

Nature reserve

Private land

Note: when using search box always include ‘bowen island bc’ or you’ll search the whole world. Results vary in usefulness.

Cape Roger Curtis Trails

Time & Elevation: 45 minutes with return to start, but allow more time to visit the lighthouse, 350 ft.
Difficulty: Easy
Access: By car only, via Whitesails Drive from Tunstall Bay
Main Attraction: Views over Georgia Strait


By parking on Lighthouse Lane, you can easily access the Cape Roger Curtis Lighthouse at low tide. Enjoy the beautiful views of Georgia Strait with Vancouver Island across the way, with Keats and the Pasley Island group on your right. If you turn right on Shore Walk, you will find a well-maintained path; however, do not go down to the shoreline except where indicated as these properties are privately owned. You will find Pebble Beach, a great swim spot at the end of Roger Curtis Lane, a mere 600 yards along from the lighthouse. From here on, the trail becomes narrower and a little more rugged. You will cross a wood footbridge pinned into the rock face, way above the water. Once you reach Collingwood Lane, you are near the end of the trail but keep going as there is a beautiful grassy knoll above the ocean at Collingwood Point, where you will see several beautiful Arbutus trees. Return via the same trail or you could go up Collingwood Lane, turn right at the end and back down Roger Curtis Lane or Lighthouse Lane if you want variety and don’t mind the asphalt.

We recommend both Ocean Rocks and Waterfall trails that lead down to beautiful bluffs off Cape Drive, east of Lighthouse Lane. Roger Curtis Trail and Whitesails Trail crisscross the interior of the property. Have a look at the map here to see where they lead.