We make no claims about the accuracy of this map, as it is a work in progress and we have several sources of map data that don’t always match. Please always let someone know where you’re going, and follow safety advice.

Shared trail (hike, bike, horses)
Bike trail (bike, hike)
Hiking only (no bikes or horses)
Deer trail (may be hard to follow)
Roadside trail or shoulder
Trail on private land (no access)
Dirt road
Gravel Road

Heritage Trail


Municipal park

Provincial park

Crown land

Nature reserve

Private land

Note: when using search box always include ‘bowen island bc’ or you’ll search the whole world. Results vary in usefulness.

Village Drive to Valhalla Ridge

Time & Elevation: 45 minutes (one way) 950 ft.
Difficulty: Medium to challenging, depending on your fitness level
Access: 15 min. walk from ferry terminal to start of trail
Main Attraction: An uphill grind for fit people and a lovely viewpoint


We suggest good hiking shoes for this trail, which is not for the casual walker. The trail starts on the left-hand side of the first curve of Village Drive. Walk alongside the creek until you see the bridge that crosses it on your left. Follow the trail up the hill, up and up on what is locally known as Valhalla Grind. In the winter particularly, there are good peek-a-boo views of Snug Cove and Howe Sound, and you will see some houses on your left. There is one right-hand turn that is important, just before a white structure. From here on, you will alternate between wooden steps and a well-traced trail. Keep on going until you reach a relatively level strip. If you follow a precipitous downhill trail on your left, there is a lovely viewpoint just above the Valhalla water tower, an excellent photo op of Howe Sound and Georgia Strait.


Start at Cates Hill Road and walk down the hill, joining the trail where it crosses Davies Creek.